Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Going to record stores vs. itunes.

So I have finally joined the digital age of music when I decided to pump some much need money to the economy by buying an ipod. The reason I finally broke down and bought one is because I love the idea of having my music collection in my pocket. I could listen to my favorite bands at the click of a button. So after some internet research, it was better to buy myself ipod classic, 120 gbs all dedicated to my love of music.

The day after tax day I got my return, my step-dad went with me to our local best buy. I got my ipod and I was out the door. The clerk said, "Now instead of going to a record store, you can just go to itunes. it is so much cheaper." This got me thinking were my record store buying days over? Did I become a part of what the music purists call "the problem"...

That afternoon I spent five hours uploading cds, I upload all my favorites Belle and Sebastian, The Decemberists, The Smiths, Deerhunter, and many more. With record day approaching, it made me think did itunes take away the record store?

My answer is no. Tonight I did the itunes thing and bought an ep for 2.97 by Camera Obscura that other wise I would have paid ten bucks for. The price was nice but the romance wasn't there. There is a romanticism in going to a record store. The people watching to see what other are buying. The hours upon hours spent in new release bin, the vinyl bin, or the use bin looking for that rare find. The gem that you spent your whole life looking for. There is so much beauty in going to the record store and spending your afternoon debating if you should buy that extra piece of music. Then taking it home unwrapping the plastic and looking at the amazing artwork. (But that goes into the whole death of the album debate which will be another blog topic I will go into.)

So on saturday, I found myself at my hometown record store Lovell's enjoying record store day. Debating whether or not I should get that extra piece of music or should I should I shell out a few extra bucks to get the deluxe version. Those memories hold up way more than typing a search in i-tunes.

What plugged in the headphones? Yeah Yeah Yeahs-"Soft Shock" from the album "It's Blitz!" (2009)

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Record store day!

This Saturday on April 18, 2009 will be record store day! This is an excellent day to go out to your favorite independently own record store and just support them. Some independent stores are going to have special things going on whether it is performances from bands or solo artists. Some places are going to have Djs through the day spinning some great records.
It will be a great day keep the independent record store alive and well.

"The original idea for Record Store Day was conceived by Chris Brown, and was founded in 2007 by Eric Levin, Michael Kurtz, Carrie Colliton, Amy Dorfman, Don Van Cleave and Brian Poehner as a celebration of the unique culture surrounding over 700 independently owned record stores in the USA, and hundreds of similar stores internationally.

This is the one day that all of the independently owned record stores come together with artists to celebrate the art of music. Special vinyl and CD releases and various promotional products are made exclusively for the day and hundreds of artists in the United States and in various countries across the globe make special appearances and performances. Festivities include performances, cook-outs, body painting, meet & greets with artists, parades, djs spinning records and on and on. Metallica officially kicked off Record Store Day at Rasputin Music in San Franscisco on April 19, 2008 and Record Store Day is now celebrated the third Saturday every April."-From the record store day website.

Check out this website to find a local independent store near you, so you can celebrate record store day.

What's plugged in the headphones? Blonde Redhead-"Doll Is Mine" from the album "Misery Is A Butterfly" (2004)